The Application Process
Your first step to becoming a California-Nevada Substation Technician Apprentice is to submit a complete application online with all the required documentation.

Online Applications
When our application period is open, you can submit an application online.
You will need to click on the Quickbase tab and if you do not already have an account with us, you will need to create an account. You
will not be able to fill out an online application until our application period is open.
After we receive your completed application
Once we have received your completed online application with all the required documents, it will be reviewed. This can take several months. If you meet the requirements, we will email you a letter with the next step. If your application was not accepted, the letter emailed will explain the reason why and what you will need for the next application period.

If your application meets the minimum requirements, you will be scheduled for an aptitude test at the JATC office in Riverside. You will be required to pass an aptitude test before interviewing with the Committee. Applicants who qualify for a direct interview will have priority to take an aptitude test.

For more information on the aptitude test, please click here:, click on tab "Preparing for the Test Instructions for the Sample Test"

After passing the aptitude test, you will be scheduled for an oral interview with our Committee members. Interviews are scheduled in the order completed applications are received and accepted.
Applicants who qualify for a direct interview will have priority.
Interviews for the Substation Technician Apprenticeship Program
Interviews are conducted by our Committee members. Interviews last approximately 15 to 20 minutes. You will have the opportunity to impress upon our board as to why you are a good candidate for the apprenticeship. Each candidate is scored on various criteria by each interviewer. Each candidate will receive a letter emailed to them after their interview stating their rank on our eligibility list. This list determines the order in which candidates are offered apprenticeship positions.

Upon completion of the interviews, all interview scores are averaged, and the candidate receives an overall score. Once all applicants’ scores are compiled, a list is created naming the person with the highest score in the number 1 rank position.

Your entry into the Apprenticeship Program
Applicants are offered apprenticeship positions based on industry need. California-Nevada Contractors contact the California-Nevada JATC when an apprentice is needed on a crew. When all currently indentured apprentices have been dispatched to work by our office, candidates will be offered an indenture by the Committee based on their ranking on the current eligibility list.

Selected candidates are required to successfully complete an orientation class.

Each year offers a unique situation and the number of applicants offered apprenticeships varies.
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